What is Happiness? Where does it come from? Theoretically speaking, if happiness comes from an object, then that object should always give us the same happiness. But in real life, we find that this is not true. What used to make us happy at one time, now gives us misery, whether it is a person or […]
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Category: Heart to Heart
Heart to Heart Communication between the Mind and the Higher Self is well-known. Even the great sages and saints have rendered poetry of devotion to God, with entreaties of forgiveness, mercy and love, and requests for salvation and Self-Realization, perhaps for the benefit of the seekers – to teach them about the humble attitude they should when approaching God. At the same time, conversations of the mind with the mind has also been shown, in order to cajole the mind into being cooperative for meditation.
Meditation is Good for you
Meditation is Good for you Meditation is fixing the mind on one divine or peaceful form, name or idea. It increases focus, concentration and clarity, even in worldly matters. It helps to reduce the scattered thoughts that make the mind weak, and makes the mind more one-pointed and strong. Focussing on something pure and good […]
Don’t listen to negative criticism
Don’t listen to negative criticism Don’t let anyone tell you that you are bad. It does not really matter what others think of you. What matters is what you think of yourself. Evaluate yourself. See if there is anything bad, and correct it because it is good for you, and not just to please others. […]
Tolerance means happiness for everyone
Tolerance means happiness for everyone Much ado is made of practicing tolerance. It is made to seem like a heavy word and very difficult to practice. It seems to indicate that one has to totally give up their own interests, rights, comforts and happiness in order to be tolerant to others. But this is not true. Tolerance […]
Association with the wise
Association with the wise Association with the wise will help your life immensely. Even though you may feel you don’t need it right now, and even though you feel that everything is fine in life, keep associating with the Wise, keep reading, listening, and pondering over words of wisdom. Because, sooner or later, there might […]
Double Standards
Double Standards If people don’t have double standards, this world will be such a happier place to live in. Most of the misery and clashing between people is because of double standards. Why should there be one set of rules for a person or a set of people, and another set of rules for everyone […]
Stick to your convictions
Stick to your convictions If you believe in something, stick to it. By all means, listen to others and see if there is any good in what they say. But be confident about yourself and make your own decision. For example, if you are a doctor, and you believe in a certain treatment, and someone praises […]
Do things because they make you happy
Do things because they make you happy We should do things for the right reasons. The best reason to do something is because it is useful and makes us happy and peaceful. If we do something just for praise and fame, there is a chance we may get disappointed. But if we do it because […]
I am always there
I am always there The popular saying is “I think, therefore I am!” But I don’t think in sleep. Does it mean that I don’t exist in sleep? The truth is I am there in sleep, dream and waking. I am always there, whether I think or not.
Let the world be proud of your children
Let the world be proud of your children Don’t bring up your children like brats. It is not good for them. If you do, you may think they are the best, but they will grow up to be a failure in the world. You can bring them up like they can behave any way they want; […]
Getting along is more important
Getting along is more important In a relationship or marriage, getting along is more important than proving a point, or always doing what you like. Proving your point may give your ego a boost, but not doing what pleases your companion may ruin the day, or perhaps the relationship. Be smart, and give in a […]
A little kindness goes a long way
A little kindness goes a long way A little kindness at the right time goes a long way. Be kind to people when they need it; not at your convenience. Kindness in deeds – caring for the sick, preparing food, cleaning, household chores etc. – is great. But kindness in words when someone is sad, […]
Take time to appreciate
Take time to appreciate Take the time to appreciate your beloved. Express your love in words and deeds. If you don’t, you may lose him or her, to someone else who shows appreciation and love. When you become complacent, and think that your companion is happy and will not want anyone else’s love and caring, […]
Don’t hold a grudge
Don’t hold a grudge When you bicker or quarrel with a loved one, or even a fond friend or relative, don’t hold a grudge for too long. It is simply not worth it. Not only do you lose your peace of mind and happiness, it is not good for your health either. Children remember events […]
Aspire but be prepared for any outcome
Aspire but be prepared for any outcome People tell you, “Aspire! Go for your dreams!”, because you like to hear it! But if they are truthful or wise, they will go on to tell you, “Aspire! But be prepared for any outcome. Certainly make the efforts, but be aware that the results are not in […]
Meditation is Life
Meditation is Life Meditation is your true nature now. You call it meditation, because there are other thoughts distracting you. When these thoughts are dispelled, you remain alone, i.e., in the state of meditation free from thoughts; and that is your real nature which you are now attempting to gain by keeping away other thoughts. […]
You are unique
You are unique You are unique. No one like you. Either you can use this amazing fact to make yourself and those around you happy, by seeing the positive things in yourself and your life, Or you can make yourself and those around you miserable, by seeing the negative things in yourself and your life.
Forgive in your heart
Forgive in your heart To err is human, To forgive divine. No one is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes. Anger will cause pain. Forgiveness will give peace.
Time Flies…Live today fully…
Time Flies…Live today fully… Time Flies. You may think you have a lot of time left in life. But life is unpredictable. So don’t waste your life on useless matters, people who make you restless and brooding over the past. Think Positive. Live today fully knowing that you will be taken care of.
Spend time with Nature
Spend time with Nature Spend time with Nature. The ocean, the beach, the park with green grass and graceful trees, the garden with elegant flowers, a brook, a lake, a river…they all are egoless and peaceful. When we are with them, their Peace attaches itself to us. And we become calm too.