Don’t listen to negative criticism Don’t let anyone tell you that you are bad. It does not really matter what others think of you. What matters is what you think of yourself. Evaluate yourself. See if there is anything bad, and correct it because it is good for you, and not just to please others. […]
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Category: Motivation
Association with the wise
Association with the wise Association with the wise will help your life immensely. Even though you may feel you don’t need it right now, and even though you feel that everything is fine in life, keep associating with the Wise, keep reading, listening, and pondering over words of wisdom. Because, sooner or later, there might […]
Double Standards
Double Standards If people don’t have double standards, this world will be such a happier place to live in. Most of the misery and clashing between people is because of double standards. Why should there be one set of rules for a person or a set of people, and another set of rules for everyone […]
I am always there
I am always there The popular saying is “I think, therefore I am!” But I don’t think in sleep. Does it mean that I don’t exist in sleep? The truth is I am there in sleep, dream and waking. I am always there, whether I think or not.
Let the world be proud of your children
Let the world be proud of your children Don’t bring up your children like brats. It is not good for them. If you do, you may think they are the best, but they will grow up to be a failure in the world. You can bring them up like they can behave any way they want; […]
Don’t hold a grudge
Don’t hold a grudge When you bicker or quarrel with a loved one, or even a fond friend or relative, don’t hold a grudge for too long. It is simply not worth it. Not only do you lose your peace of mind and happiness, it is not good for your health either. Children remember events […]
Aspire but be prepared for any outcome
Aspire but be prepared for any outcome People tell you, “Aspire! Go for your dreams!”, because you like to hear it! But if they are truthful or wise, they will go on to tell you, “Aspire! But be prepared for any outcome. Certainly make the efforts, but be aware that the results are not in […]
Forgive in your heart
Forgive in your heart To err is human, To forgive divine. No one is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes. Anger will cause pain. Forgiveness will give peace.
Rejection is God’s protection
Rejection is God’s protection When someone breaks your heart, understand that it is God’s way of protecting you from a bigger tragedy in this relationship. Rejection is sometimes a blessing in disguise.
Outlook is everything
Outlook is everything Thoughts occur in our minds like waves in the ocean. They are based on our mental outlook. When our outlook is wrong, we see everything wrong. When our outlook is right, we see everything in the right perspective. We can change our outlook from ignorance to wisdom by learning and pondering over […]
Let things happen
Let things happen Rushing and planning for everything makes us restless and agitated. What happens does not change because of our furious thinking. Instead, let things happen. Make the right effort with the right attitude, knowing that the results are beyond our control. You will be a lot happier.
Forgive yourself
Forgive yourself If you make a mistake, it’s alright. Everybody makes mistakes. First forgive yourself. Then learn from it, and move on… Just don’t stagnate. Past is dead. What’s done is done. You made a mistake. So what? It’s not the end of the world! These things happen to make you stronger. You are the […]
Don’t take anyone for granted
Don’t take anyone for granted When someone is nice, kind or helpful to us, we should not take them for granted. Just because someone is close to us, we should not overlook their caring and love. Nothing is guaranteed in life. Take the time to appreciate those who care about you.
Don’t think about mean people
Don’t think about mean people When you keep thinking about the people who were mean to you, you are giving them the power to hurt you even more. They are the ones with a problem, not you. They are not worth your attention. Try as much as possible to stop thinking about them, because it […]
Break up gently
Break up gently If you decide to break up with someone, break up gently. No matter how angry you are, no matter what reasons you may have to be bitter, don’t spill your venom on them. Because, there is a chance that you may be deeply hurting a good person who does not deserve to […]
Good or bad mind
Good or bad mind There are no two persons, one evil and one good. When a person is under the influence of bad thoughts, the mind is bad. When a person is under the influence of good thoughts, the mind is good.
God is same for all
God is same for all God is One, and the same for all religions. Appearances may be different, but the main sentiment is Love, and the Goal is Happiness and Peace of Mind.
What is Karma
What is Karma “Karma” is a Sanskrit word that has a lot of meanings and connotations, depending upon the context in which it is used. But “Karma” is typically used in the sense that our actions, good or bad, will produce similar reactions that will come back to us, sooner or later. So it is […]