What is Om… Aum… ॐ… OM or AUM is the The Beginning, Middle and End of All Beings. The Beginning Explanation from a Sage On such a profound and important subject of Om, it is only right that I start with the authority of a Sage. In the words of Sri Ramana Maharshi : […]
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Category: Meditation
Meditation and Life are intermingled. According to Sages of India, Meditation is Life and Vice Versa. When one meditates or attends to worldly matters, the Sages ask us to never lose sight of our Real Self. They implore us to constantly enquire “Who Am I?” and realize that one is not the limited Ego or “I” thought, but the Real “I” that is unlimited.
Meditation is Life
Meditation is Life Meditation is your true nature now. You call it meditation, because there are other thoughts distracting you. When these thoughts are dispelled, you remain alone, i.e., in the state of meditation free from thoughts; and that is your real nature which you are now attempting to gain by keeping away other thoughts. […]
Stillness of mind is not dullness
Stillness of mind is not dullness Some people misunderstand that meditation and self-enquiry means living life like a zombie with no enthusiasm or zest for life. They think that these things are only for old people who have no passion for life or lively activities. These are misconceptions. Being mentally still does not mean dullness. In fact, […]
Meditation When there are less disturbing thoughts, it means the mind is relatively quiet. Even when a worldly desire is fulfilled, actually the mind gets quiet because of the satisfaction, and this we call happiness. Therefore, quietness of mind alone is called happiness. To consciously make the effort within to get this quietness in the mind is called […]
Gaining quietness of mind
Gaining quietness of mind The Mind is like a stack or bundle of thoughts. It has tons of desires and fears stacked or bundled up, the strongest one taking precedence. When this one is dealt with, the next one pops up, while a new one is being added all the time. Actions make impressions or deep […]
Ramana Quote 21
Ramana Quote 20
Nisargadatta Quote 4
A simple way to calm your mind
A simple way to calm your mind Whenever you are nervous or restless because of an interview, a test or any other reason, try this simple breathing technique to calm your mind. Take a deep breath for 4 counts, hold the breath for 4 counts and breathe out slowly for 8 counts. Do this a […]
Quote 1 – Gandhi
True Freedom Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. Mahatma Gandhi
What is Heart
What is Heart There is often confusion about the word Heart. The main reason for the confusion is that the same word is used in different contexts. It is commonly used to mean the Physical Organ that beats and circulates blood. It is also used for the Psychological Center of emotions, feelings and sentiments. […]
Ramana Quote 19
Ramana Quote 18
Ramana Quote 17
Ramana Quote 16
Ramana Quote 15
What is Association with the Wise?
What is Association with the Wise? (Satsang) The scripture Yoga Vashishtam has the following verse which aptly describes association with the wise: The imperfect will become perfect, danger good luck, the inauspicious auspicious, by association with holy sages. For those who have bathed in the Ganges of fellowship with such realized souls, homa, yagna, […]
What is Grace?
What is Grace? These are quotations by Paul Brunton, an ardent and early devotee of Sri Ramana Maharshi. They explain what Grace is. “Divine grace is a manifestation of the cosmic free-will in operation. It can alter the course of events in a mysterious manner through its own unknown laws, which are superior to all […]
What is Faith?
What is Faith? Sri Ramana Maharshi explains: (D is Devotee; M is Maharshi) Conversation 1: A visitor asked: Sri Bhagavan said last night that God is guiding us. Then why should we make an effort to do anything? M.: Who asks you to do so? If there was that faith in the guidance of […]
What is Self-Enquiry?
What is Self-Enquiry? The goal is to obtain lasting happiness and peace of mind. For this, the most effective and direct means is Self-Enquiry. So say the Sages. If we have a disease, either we can just treat the symptoms, or we can cure the disease itself. Similarly, other spiritual practices help to gain a little peace […]